First gig as an audio engineer!

Yo, so I've been quiet for the past few months on REKON & my techno alias Wintersix as I quit my job and started working as an audio engineer, more specifically, I mixed, revised a few beats (and produced one) & mastered Jeff Kush's latest album "Boundless"

I personally love it. My favourite track is Money Issues or Fuck Reality or V.I.P - I love it all. I

It was such a cool experience as I worked very closely with Jeff on this for about 2 months straight, long ass days that turned into long ass nights, to get the job done.
Not to mention, this was all done despite being on different sides of the world - I'm in Australia and Jeff is in America. fuckin internet right?

It's a wavy/trippy record, I went and bought 2 lava lamps for the purpose of getting on the same level as the vibe in the music, to really feel it & get creative with my mixes - odd, but it worked for me.

More music from myself, working with Jeff coming soon as well as new music from me in general!!

I hope you enjoy it!

Check it out here:
